Ministry of Commerce Kick-off Cambodian Products Exhibition in Kampong Cham Province

moc management

On June 23, 2016, H.E. PAN Sorasak, Minister of Commerce took time to attend the Opening Ceremony of Buy Cambodian Products Exhibition at Kampong Cham Province as part of Buy Cambodian Campaign.

In his opening remarks, Excellency Minister informed the attendees that this important national commercial event is aimed at promoting the use of products that are produced locally and to reduce the flow of foreign goods into Cambodia. This event also aimed at providing knowledge to local producers so that they can produce goods that are high in quality, hygienic and safe to use as well as having attractive packaging and low cost that can be competitive with imported products. His Excellency further remarked “the success of this event will help Cambodia to: (1) create good business environment that improves local commerce; (2) increase production capacity and maximize value-added on local products; (3) creation of new products that meet local demand and promote the exportation of those products as well as reduce import; (4) diversify new products that can compete in national, regional and global markets; and (5) creation of new jobs, increase income, help against worker migration and contribute to poverty reduction.”

Excellency Minister also commented that Cambodia’s economy has an outstanding growth rate of 7% over the past 2 decades. For 2016, the economy is forecast to achieve the same rate. The retention of such outstanding growth rate is attributed to clear and precise policies set forth by the Royal Government of Cambodia that gives priority toward local and foreign investment and business mentoring in a free market economy. Priority is also given to the private sector, which is a very important partner with the Royal Government of Cambodia in working toward national economic development.

His Excellency is confident that Buy Cambodian Campaign will be a success and will lead Cambodian people into using Cambodian products even more. “If the demand for local products increases, it will also lead to establishment of new factories and enterprises for the production of Cambodia goods,” said the Minister. He also urged the Cambodian people to continue supporting this event, which is also scheduled to be conducted in Preah Sihanouk Province and in Phnom Penh in the near future.

