
New UK Developing Countries Trading Scheme 2023

On 15 August 2022, the United Kingdom launched its new Developing Countries Trading Scheme (DCTS). The scheme provides duty-free, quota-free trade to LDCs on everything but arms and duty-free, quota-free trade on 85% of eligible goods to most LICs and LMICs. The DCTS will replace the UK’s Generalised Scheme of Preferences (GSP) in early 2023. It contains product-specific rules of origin for LDCs….

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APSARA National Authority to complete the restoration work of the Chao Srey Vibol temple’s West Gate

The restoration work of the Chao Srey Vibol temple’s West Gate, which started in 2020, was completed in early 2022. Based on the damaged condition of the entire gate structure during the nearly two years of the restoration process, the restoration team followed the Anastylosis method, completely dismantling the gate structure to restore the broken…

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APSARA National Authority to collect the pieces of Takav Gate’s Deva balustrade found during the excavation for further restoration

During excavations on the north side of the Takav Gate’s causeway, the restoration found fragments of the Deva balustrade that had fallen into the moat in the northern causeway for hundreds of years. All pieces must be registered, sketched, and photographed before being taken out of the excavation pit to clean, restore, and placed in…

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