Supporting the upgrade of ASYCUDA World System

The Automated System for Customs Data (ASYCUDA) is a computerized system designed by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) to administer a country’s customs clearance procedure. It is the largest technical cooperation programme of the UNCTAD, covering over 80 countries including Cambodia. The pilot of ASYCUDA was introduced and put in place…

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Automation System of Certificates of Origin

The Certificates of Origin (CO) is an official document used to certify the original source of all types of goods that are produced in Cambodia. This document is a significant element of exporting goods to international markets and other countries under the Generalized Scheme of Preferences (GSP). Seeing the importance of the CO, which is…

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TDSP Success Stories – Good Practice Video

The Trade Development Support Program (TDSP) was a Multi-Donor Trust Fund (MDTF) contributed by the European Union, DANIDA and UNIDO and executed by the Department of International Cooperation (DICO), Ministry of Commerce in collaboration with the Ministry of Economy and Finance and other relevant institutes since March 2009 until August 2016. The program aims to…

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MOC Meeting on Purchase of Rice for Export to Foreign Markets

On September 16, 2016, Ministry of Commerce organized a meeting under the chairmanship of H.E. PAN Sorasak, Minister of Commerce, with participation from H.E. Son Kunthor, Minister Delegate to the Prime Minister, H.E. Sok Puthyvuth, President of Cambodia Rice Federation and participants from Rice Mill Association, farmer cooperatives and financial institutions. This meeting aimed at…

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Mark Zuckerberg announce 7th data-center in New Mexico

By Official Facebook account of Mark Zuckerberg announce that Facebook’s 7th data center — powered by 100% renewable energy — will be in Los Lunas, New Mexico here in the United States. Data centers deliver all of Facebook’s services to you. They’re some of the most complex machines ever created. The Los Lunas Data Center…

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